Category Gardening

How Compost Helps Your Soil

How Compost Helps Your Soil: Learn How to Make Compost

Soil improvement is an important process for plant health. One of the most frequent and simple amending is composting. The combination of soil and compost can improve aeration, beneficial micro-organisms, nutrient content, water retention, and much more. You can also…

How To Use Coco Peat

How To Use Coco Peat For Garden Plants & Seeds

Coconut peat is a multifunctional based nutrient for the plants. Coconut fiber is pre-washed, dried, sieved, and cleaned of sand and other impurities such as animal and vegetable waste. Coconut peat is an excellent alternative to traditional stone wool and…

Sustainable Garden

6 Tips To Building A Sustainable Garden

The term “sustainable gardening” is used more often and for many people, it leaves behind images of gardens like the jungle, where plants do their work, garden beds are made of baths tubs or rusty wavy sheets, and the only…